Are you ready?

You never know when a fight might come your way. Crime, terrorism and riots are becoming the new norm and daily violence is a sad fact of life. Will you be an asset to yourself… your family… your community? Will you WIN whatever fight comes your way?

If you think simply owning a gun and plinking a few times at the range it enough, you’re sadly mistaken. Reality says you’re more likely to hurt yourself or someone around you than stop the threat. That’s being a liability.

Are you ready to take the first step toward becoming an asset…?


Plinking isn’t practice, just expensive noise. SHOTBOOK gives you a shooting plan that will improve your shooting skills, guaranteed. The “Core Pistol” write-in booklet is designed for beginner shooters:

  • 12 time-tested and proven shooting drills

  • Simple scoring to log in your ShotBook

  • Accountability for your practice and progress

Guaranteed to improve your shooting performance or your money back!